(Affiliated to C.B.S.E New Delhi Vide Code : 530140)

Principal's Message

Dear Students,
My firm belief has always been that those who find pleasure in diligent, dedicated and disciplined life reap a rich harvest in the form of divine satisfaction. It is with this motto of my life I took over the charge of this school and it has been my constant endeavour to steer my teachers and students in the direction which I find most rewarding. My emphasis upon the all around development of a child by fostering a synergic blend between scholastic and co-scholastic achievements and a host of co-curricular and extra curricular activities which find a rightful place in the curriculum.

The purpose of this diary is to make you plan and work systematically. This will make you regularize your work. Bringing this diary to the school is a must for all of you, as it will serve the purpose of an essential tool to keep the record of the instructions and home work given by the teachers. All the rules, regulations, CCA calendar, Annual activities, information regarding uniform and personal record etc are given to make you aware and alert for every moment, This diary contains other useful information also. Parents too are requested to go through it and guide your ward for systematic and meticulous planning.
Hoping for your success.
With Best Wishes

Nisha Khurana,